You need to download the TightVNC on
If you wish to achieve best performance under Windows 2000, Windows XP and above, download and install DFMirage mirror display driver (free download). TightVNC Server can use this driver to detect screen updates and grab pixel data in a very efficient way. Note that DFMirage can be used only with versions 1.3.x of TightVNC
Note: For this tutorial, I used TightVNC-1.3.10.
To install TightVNC silently issue the following command:
TightVNC-1.3.10-setup.exe /sp- /verysilent /nocancel /norestart /noicons
To install DFMirage mirror display driver silently issue the following command:
dfmirage-setup-2.0.301.exe /verysilent /norestart
What I did it to create a batch file to install both TightVNC and DFMirage.
dfmirage.exe /verysilent /norestart
tightvnc-1.3.10.exe /sp- /verysilent /nocancel /norestart /noicons
Note: As an Administrator, I would like to have my clients acquire the same settings of the TightVNC server. What I did to to install and configure the TightVNC server on a single workstation and export the registry key HK_LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\ORL to vnc.reg file.
Content of the vnc.reg file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
We will need to modify the install-tightvnc.bat and include import registry entry from file.
dfmirage.exe /verysilent /norestart
tightvnc-1.3.10.exe /sp- /verysilent /nocancel /norestart /noicons
regedit /s vnc.reg